Chapter 4

Fundamentals of X-Ray Phase Analysis

Cong Qiuzi, Yu Xiang and He Li


ROUTINE QUALITATIVE IDENTIFICATION OF CRYSTALLINE POWDERS </p> <p> The routine application of powder diffraction techniques for the identification of polycrystalline materials dated back to 1938 when the pioneering work of the Dow Chemical Company, was published. The simplicity and advantage of the powder diffraction method for chemical analysis were pointed out which emphasized that: </p> <p> a) the powder diffraction pattern is a characteristic of the substance, </p> <p> b) each substance in a mixture produces its pattern independently of the others, </p> <p> c) it tells the state of chemical combination of the elements in the material, </p> <p> d) only a minute amount of sample is required; </p> <p> e) the method is capable of developing a quantitative analysis.....

Total Pages: 34-41 (8)

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