Chapter 10

Exercises in Dorsal Position

Alexandrina Lobo


Aim: To reinforce the abdominal muscles. To extend the lumbar and dorsal muscles. Massage the back and spine. To improve the circulation from the skin </p> <p> i) To put the knees on the abdomen: first, with each one of the legs; then, with the united two. To set the air free while bringing near them of the chest. To pull the air while the vertebrae and the legs touch the ground. (Fig. 20) </p> <p> ii) The rail of the train: to put the legs near to the gluteal ones, with the feet well rested on the ground. To take the heel ahead and to leave which lapse as on a rail, until the leg stretches out to the utmost, while it dies. While inspiring, inflecting and raising the leg, like if it was being pulled by a thread. (Fig. 21)....

Total Pages: 68-70 (3)

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.Disease Prediction using Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Analytics.
.Exploration of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology in Smart and Secure Healthcare.
.Blockchain and IoT based Smart Healthcare Systems.
.Occupational Health and Safety.