Chapter 8

Microdialysis - Utility in Establishing PK/PD Relationships in Ophthalmology

Kay D. Rittenhouse, Harisha Atluri, Sai HS. Boddu and Ashim K. Mitra


Ocular pharmacokinetics is a core component in the development of therapeutics for eye diseases. In this chapter, we provide a description of the following concepts and strategies that undergird when and where microdialysis may be a significant advance in the armamentarium of approaches for establishing PK/PD relationships in ophthalmology. We cover the following topics: </p><p> • Understanding the current limitations in PK/PD with conventional sampling approaches </p><p> • Progress report on advances in the use of microdialysis in ophthalmology </p><p> • Preclinical vs. clinical ocular PK cases studies </p><p> • Roadblocks to microdialysis in ophthalmology </p><p> o Probe design and probe recovery </p><p> o Bioanalytical limitations </p><p> o Invasiveness of probe implantation </p><p> o Analyte properties and perfusion flow rate </p><p> • Strategies for design of an ideal microdialysis experiment </p><p> • Next advances in microdialysis

Total Pages: 161-202 (42)

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