Chapter 8

Sialic Acid Recognition, Removal and Surface Presentation: Role in Microbial Pathogenesis of Human Hosts

Christopher J. Day and Joe Tiralongo


Sialic acids (Sia) play a role in the survival of microbes within the diverse environments that both pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes inhabit. 3-Deoxy-Dmanno- oct-2-ulosonic acid (KDO) and 2-keto-3-deoxynononic acid (KDN) are crucial for the survival of almost all bacterial species, while other Sia are a favourite target for viruses and other host adapted pathogens when interacting with host tissues that are required for survival/replication of the microbe. All pathogenic microbes, whether bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi, must be able to specifically interact with host cells/tissues to initiate disease. The success of these pathogens at maintaining a disease state relies on the ability of these organisms to subvert or evade the host immune responses. In this chapter we will discuss the ways in which Sia, Neu5Ac specifically, is crucial for the ability for many human pathogens to cause and maintain disease.

Total Pages: 236-274 (39)

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