Chapter 5

The Way Forward

John Rogers, Heap-Yih Chong, Christopher Preece, Chai Chai Lim and Himal Suranga Jayasena


The searching for the end-to-end application and effectiveness of the practice of BIM is still in process. The authors believe that the barriers and issues faced by BIM, are tackled through the usage of cloud computing or the web. A cloud based framework acts as a central server where all the designs and engineering software are located. These data can then be accessed by personnel and used in a local server before being synced back with the central server. This makes it more efficient for users to coordinate using BIM. Apart from that, the focus of the industry has been on how to make a basic BIM work, as opposed to exploring what can be achieved with BIM. This is changing as an ever increasing array of specialised products and services evolved. This is beginning to change as more government agencies express an interest in developing BIM-based workflows that add efficiencies to design approval and regulatory compliance. Besides, availability of library data in BIM is required to make BIM work effectively. In conclusion, BIM is evolving organically across a range of dimensions and building lifecycle phases.

Total Pages: 67-72 (6)

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