Chapter 5

Ocular Tumors

Marc Baget-Bernaldiz, Nuria Soler and Manuel Montero-Jaime


The posterior segment tumors are the most important indication for ultrasound examination. Echography is essential in choroid melanoma diagnosis; there are a lot of signs in echography which permit us to make a differential diagnosis with the other most frequent intraocular tumor, metastases which appeared with similar echographic signs in ultrasound examination. In the present chapter we also explain the characteristics of other tumors, as retinoblastoma or choroid hemangioms.

Total Pages: 65-72 (8)

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.Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Choroidal and Vitreoretinal Disorders – Part 1.
.Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Choroidal and Vitreoretinal Disorders – Part 2.
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