Chapter 1

Stem Cell-Based Therapies for Bony Repair

Ryan R. Kelly and Amanda C. LaRue


Normal bone remodeling requires a continuous supply of osteoblasts and osteoclasts from stem cells in the bone marrow. In bone-related diseases and fractures, this process becomes disrupted. There are a number of therapeutic strategies being employed that are attempting to repair diseased or damaged bone, including bone grafts, demineralized bone implantation, and recombinant protein treatments. However, likely more than these strategies, stem cells hold great potential to completely regenerate bone tissue. In this chapter, we provide a discussion on the physiology and pathophysiology of osteogenesis, as well as current therapies for bony defects, with specific emphasis placed on the advantages of utilizing various types of stem cells as therapeutic approaches to treat bone-related diseases and difficult-to-heal fractures.

Total Pages: 3-67 (65)

Purchase Chapter  Book Details


.Stem Cells in Clinical Application and Productization.
.Stem Cell Delivery Routes: From Preclinical Models to Clinical Applications.
.The Regeneration Promise: The Facts behind Stem Cell Therapies.
.Vascularization in Tissue Engineering.