Chapter 9

Caffeine Related Use Disorder

Subhash C. Bhatia, Venkata Kolli, Shashi K. Bhatia and Usha Kanthety


80% of the World’s population consumes caffeine. Its impact on mental health often goes unrecognized. Caffeine use has comorbidity with other substance use disorders. Caffeine is a methylxanthine and exerts its actions by inhibiting adenosine receptors. Caffeine is a stimulant, mild to moderate use has beneficial effects like improving attention and concentration, but problem use can mimic anxiety, sleep and mood disorders. High dose caffeine can even result in death. In this chapter, we discuss common presentations of caffeine use disorders, their recognition and management. Caffeine withdrawal can present with mood disturbance and headaches, instant alleviation of these symptoms with caffeine perpetuates its use. Caffeine withdrawal with abrupt cessation typically lasts 2-4 days. Calculating baseline consumption and gradually reducing the caffeine intake can address the impact of the withdrawal symptoms.

Total Pages: 99-108 (10)

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