Chapter 9

aDNA Methodological Revolution

Marc Simon and Assumpcio Malgosa


Methods to recover genetic material with the best possible quality have been improving in a similar way to the other areas in this field, culminating with the obtention of the first complete ancient mitogenome in 2001. However, with the arrival of next-generation sequencing in 2005, all these advances can be considered overcome. Using shotgun sequencing as basis and specially-designed microbeads to attach DNA, the advent of the palaeogenomics era has revolutionized the field. Also the enrichment techniques and the growing knowledge of ancient DNA diagenesis add significant achievements, but then again the roof of this technology has yet to be attained.

Total Pages: 183-205 (23)

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.Genome Editing in Bacteria (Part 2).
.Genome Editing in Bacteria (Part 1).
.Genome Size and Genetic Homogeneity of Regenerated Plants: Methods and Applications.
.Omics Technologies for Clinical Diagnosis and Gene Therapy: Medical Applications in Human Genetics.