Chapter 1

Biotechnology and its Impact on Vegetative Propagation of Plant Species

Guillermo R. Salvatierra, Daniela Kubiak de Salvatierra and Jose Antonio Cabral


The application of biotechnology has had great impact on the agricultural sciences. Micropropagation, in particular, is one of the biotechnological methods whose major achievements have contributed to the development of agriculture in Northeast Argentina, and it is used in the mass production of aromatic, medicinal, fruit, ornamental, and forest plant species. It is normally applied to certified cultivars with good productive performance, providing significant development to the sector. Micropropagation also provides significant production and economic benefits, and an unprecedented environmental contribution.

Total Pages: 1-14 (14)

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.Research Methodology and Project Management in Biotechnology.
.Recent Progress in Pharmaceutical Nanobiotechnology: A Medical Perspective.
.Recent Trends In Livestock Innovative Technologies.
.Algal Biotechnology for Fuel Applications.