Chapter 17

Management of Recurrent Epistaxis

Kathleen R. Billings


Objective: To describe the etiology, diagnostic examination, and management options of recurrent epistaxis in children, to help clinicians better delineate which patients might benefit from conservative versus more aggressive therapies. Results: Epistaxis occurs frequently in children, and affected children are often seen by primary care, emergency department, and otolaryngology physicians. Knowledge of the underlying etiology, diagnostic examination techniques, and available treatment options is essential for clinicians. A review of the current literature was performed, and this chapter provides information about epistaxis management. Most cases of epistaxis are self-limited and respond well to conservative treatments, such as lubricants and antiseptic ointments; however, some cases will require hematologic testing, diagnostic imaging, and intraoperative assessment and management. Conclusions: Epistaxis is a common diagnosis in children. Clinicians should be familiar with the etiology and management of this condition in children.

Total Pages: 249-257 (9)

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