Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders

Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders

Release Date: 01-Dec-2020

Book Highlights ~ Bentham Books

'Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders' is a book series that brings updated reviews to readers interested in advances in the development of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) and other nerve disorders. The scope of the book series covers a range of topics including the medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology and biochemistry of contemporary molecular targets involved in neurological and CNS disorders. Reviews presented in the series are mainly focused on clinical and therapeutic aspects of novel drugs intended for these targets.

'Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders' is a valuable resource for pharmaceutical scientists and postgraduate students seeking updated and critical information for developing clinical trials and devising research plans in the field of neurology.

The eighth volume of this series features reviews that cover the following topics related to the treatment of a variety of CNS disorders, related diseases and basic research:

  •    • Emerging Innovative Therapies of Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Current Knowledge and Perspectives
  •    • Obesity Induced by The Neurological Drugs
  •    • Molecular Mechanism of Nervous System Disorders and Implications for New Therapeutic Targets
  •    • Glioma Imaging and Novel Agents
  •    • Screening Models for Neuroleptic Drug-Induced Hyperprolactinemia: A Mini-Review

About the Editor:

Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Cambridge University (1968) has 1,232 international publications (45 international patents and 341 books). He received the following awards: Fellow Royal Society (FRS) London (2006), UNESCO Science Prize (1999), Honorary Life Fellow Kings College, Cambridge University (2007), Academician (Foreign Member) Chinese Academy of Sciences (2015), Highest Civil Award for Foreigners of China (Friendship Award, 2014), High Civil Award Austria ("Grosse Goldene Ehrenzeischen am Bande") (2007), Foreign Fellow Chinese Chemical Society (2013), Sc.D. Cambridge University (UK) (1987), TWAS (Italy) Prize (2009). He was the President of Network of Academies of Sciences of Islamic Countries (NASIC), Vice President TWAS (Italy), Foreign Fellow Korean Academy of Science & Technology, President Pakistan Academy of Sciences (2003-2006) and (2011 -- 2014). He was the Federal Minister for Science and Technology of Pakistan (2000 -- 2002), Federal Minister of Education (2002) and Chairman Higher Education Commission/Federal Minister (2002-2008), Coordinator General of COMSTECH (01C Ministerial Committee) (1996-2012), and the Editor-in-Chief of Current Medicinal Chemistry.

Dr. Zareen Amtul is a graduate in biochemistry with a specialty in neuroscience. She worked as a Fulbright visiting scholar at the Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, USA while completing her Ph.D. She worked as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at Heidelberg University, Germany, as Ontario Mental Health Foundation, and the Canadian Institute of Health Research Fellows at Western University, Canada. Currently Dr. Amtul is working as a Senior Faculty Member at Windsor University, Canada. Dr. Amtul's main area of research has been chemical biology and medicinal bioinorganic chemistry. Dr. Amtul has also extensively researched the biochemical, molecular, and behavioral substrates of memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease, vascular cognitive impairment, stroke, depression, epilepsy, and frontotemporal dementia-related disorders. Lately, she has also started focusing on structural biology, bioinformatics, diagnostics, and drug development to propose novel diagnostics as well as designs of multifactorial neurovascular medicines using optogenetics, decoy, and Trojan horse technologies to treat epilepsy and AD, respectively. Besides teaching anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry, Dr. Amtul has also independently developed and delivered the curriculum of multiple new postgraduate courses in Neuroscience.

Keywords: CNS disorders, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology, biochemistry, neurology, clinical trials, Glioma Imaging

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