Chapter 11

Nanobiotechnology and SMGT: Future Perspectives

Vinicius Farias Campos, Fabiana Kömmling Seixas, Odir A. Dellagostin, João Carlos Deschamps and Tiago Collares


Nanoparticles are being incorporated into many products of daily use, e.g. fillers, pacifiers, catalysts, pharmaceuticals, lubricants, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, electronic devices or other domestic appliances. These approaches demonstrate the high potential of nanocomposites in cellular biotechnology as well as for the development of more efficient methods to introduce foreign DNA to sperm cells and consequently improve the techniques for transgenic animal technology. This chapter will address the main approaches for the use of nanocomposites for gene delivery and the potential uses in nanoparticle spermmediated gene transfer (Nano-SMGT).

Total Pages: 112-116 (5)

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