Chapter 9

Rab11a, Rab8a and Myosin V: Regulators of Recycling and Beyond

James R. Goldenring, Joseph T. Roland and Lynne A. Lapierre


Recycling of endocytic cargoes utilizes multiple pathways employing Rab small GTPases. Rab11a is associated with slow recycling pathways that are responsible for plasma membrane recycling in non-polarized cells and the apical recycling system in polarized cells. Rab11a assembles multiple protein complexes along the recycling pathway utilizing multiple Rab11-Family Interacting Proteins and Class V myosins. Rab8a also assembles regulatory complexes associated with recycling pathways. While myosin V species are involved in both Rab11a- and Rab8a-dependent pathways, the details of interactions between these trafficking pathways remains unclear.

Total Pages: 123-131 (9)

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