Chapter 1

The Student of Today: Some Students’ and Teachers’ Conceptions of the Characteristics of a Good Student

Kristina Johansson


In Sweden today, there is an intensive debate discussing the changing conditions within higher education, one of the major issues is the one of meeting a new student cohort, i.e. millenials, or the generation Y students, etc. But what if the problem may not be the new students entering the university but the fact that we have to adjust to a new order ? Barnett, (2004) argues that we have to educate for a new work life. Implying that the students need to develop skills that are functioning in the world we live in right now. Bowden and Marton (1998) are talking about being able to transfer knowledge to new situations. Whilst Weiler ( 2005) argues that we have to meet the new cohort with new educational methods. Students of today are more visual learners, and we have to design for that in order to make the education meaningful.

Total Pages: 3-13 (11)

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