Chapter 5

Health Care Crisis and Neonatal Care

Oommen P. Mathew


We have unprecedented national debt and our annual budget deficit is over a trillion dollars. Health care expense is nearly 18% of our gross domestic product. Health insurance premiums continue to rise. There were approximately fifty million uninsured in 2010. The new health care law will decrease the number of uninsured but it does not reduce the cost. Increase in health care expense continues to put additional strain on the system. Hospital care, especially intensive care, is very expensive. The cost of premature birth is estimated to cost over 26 billion dollars a year. Unless we reform the system and reduce the cost of health care, we will face dramatic changes in the delivery of health care with far more adverse consequences than what we face today.

Total Pages: 72-90 (19)

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.Disease Prediction using Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Analytics.
.Exploration of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology in Smart and Secure Healthcare.
.Blockchain and IoT based Smart Healthcare Systems.
.Occupational Health and Safety.