Chapter 11

Semiclassical Treatments and Information Theory

Flavia Pennini, Angelo Plastino and Gustavo Luis Ferri


We review here the difference between quantum statistical treatments and semiclassical ones, using as the main concomitant tool a semiclassical, shift-invariant Fisher information measure built up with Husimi distributions. Its semiclassical character notwithstanding, this measure also contains abundant information of a purely quantal nature. Such a tool allows us to refine the celebrated Lieb bound for Wehrl entropies and to discover thermodynamic-like relations that involve the degree of delocalization. Fisher-related thermal uncertainty relations are developed and the degree of purity of canonical distributions, regarded as mixed states, is connected to this Fisher measure as well.

Total Pages: 256-282 (27)

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.Probability and Statistics: Theory and Exercises.
.Introductory Statistics.
.Introductory Statistical Procedures with SPSS.
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