Chapter 25

Digestive & Immune Systems

Dirk C. Gibson


This chapter dealt with two separate systems in the human body, the digestive and the immune systems. Digestive problems related to the space environment were documented, and the existence of astronaut abdominal pain was discussed. Spacefarer electrolyte imbalances were mentioned and dehydration considered. The spacefarer diet was criticized and spacefarer nutritional inadequacy documented. The effect of the space environment on appetite was discussed. Space-induced degradation of the senses of taste and smell was explained. Eating and drinking in space was considered. The immune system was described and the effect of the space environment on immunology was discussed. Space causes altered immune systems and depressed immune systems. It was shown that the immune system does not adapt to the space environment, and that radiation degrades the immune system. The immune system has not been adequately studied, and spacefarers have been prone to infection. The negative effects of space on pharmaceuticals were considered.

Total Pages: 271-280 (10)

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