Chapter 12

Sonoanatomy of the Nerves in the Anterior Thigh

Barys V. Ihnatsenka, André P. Boezaart and Yury Zasimovich


Ultrasound is a dynamic procedure whereby structures can and should be followed to their origins and destinations for optimal identification. Because of this, it is not always satisfactory to study static ultrasound images. When studying sonoanatomy, the authors strongly advise readers to first study the macro- and microanatomy and then to view the accompanying video productions that illustrates the dynamic sonoanatomy (Movies 1-4). In this chapter, the authors explain the static sonoanatomy of the femoral and obturator nerves and that of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh and the adductor canal, and with the aid of video productions, the dynamic sonoanatomy of these structures and areas.

Total Pages: 189-201 (13)

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.Pediatric Anesthesia: A Guide for the Non-Pediatric Anesthesia Provider Part II.
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