Chapter 3

Evaluation of Tibial Plateau Fractures: The Role of Imaging

Marco Busso, Francesca Colonese, Federico Torre, Valeria Angelino and Andrea Veltri


Tibial plateau fractures are common injuries and the most difficult of the intra-articular fractures to manage. These fractures are usually related to high energy trauma or osteoporosis in older adults. The fractures normally occur in the 1% in older adults whereas in the elderly at 8%. In case of improper restoration of the plateau surface and the axis of the leg, these fractures could lead to development of premature osteoarthritis, injury in ligaments, as well lifelong pain and disability. The imaging is of paramount importance for assessment of the initial injury, planning management, prediction of prognosis and in the follow-up. Traditionally, the radiological examination was performed with x-rays. Presently, the computer tomography, affiliated with magnetic resonance imaging indicate more accurately the categories of fractures thus facilitating a better surgical plan.

Total Pages: 24-39 (16)

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