Chapter 6

Organ Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF): Critical Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Meridian Theory and O-Ring Contribution to Medicine

Phillip Shinnick and Laurence Porter


The Omura O-ring non-invasive low cost test is a scientific way to gather data over time. The O-ring is able to image PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields) organ pathways on the surface of the skin and compare these imaged pathways with the traditional Oriental Meridians. These pathways have only been theories and with the O-ring a deeper understanding can be realized. The biochemistry of these pathways is presented. A triple blind study shielding the O-ring process from two researchers and patient shown under toxic condition (holding tobacco and lung tissue in the hand as control reference) caused an aberration of the lung pathway. A two year - 400 patientclinical study was initiated from this aberrant experiment to see pathways under various pain conditions. These pathways deviate in spinal herniations, infections, scars, breast implants, emotional stress and muscular spasms. This case study indicated that most myofascial pain comes from the dermatome of the spine (areas of innervations of each vertebra) and stimulation to that particular vertebrae resulted in pain reduction in 80% of the cases. About 30 cases were associated with organ dysfunction and manifest aberrant pathways or pathways not a part of Oriental medicine. Through O-ring imaging, infections can be located, usually inside localized muscle spasms and when given compatible antibiotics, the O-ring showed that the antibiotic did not penetrate these spasm areas. With stimulation i.e., acupuncture, laser, manual stimulation or Qigong, the antibiotic penetrated the area and resolved the infection. The Hui theory, supported by this clinical study outlines the general phases and direction inside and outside the body, linear and nonlinear direction from the location of a Oriental meridian points or circles.

Total Pages: 120-155 (36)

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