Chapter 8

Treatment of Class III Malocclusion Using Clear Aligners

Tarek El-Bialy


Treatment of class III cases with clear aligners maybe a challenge. This is unlike class II where upper molars can be distalized or even do a functional appliance effect. Class III on the other hand, is different. In many growing cases, upper jaw may be required to move forward or restraining lower jaw forward growth in growing children is required. In adult patients, class III management is even more challenging. If a case presented with class III malocclusion that does not have a skeletal component, it can be manageable with clear aligners, however if there is a class III skeletal relationship, orthognathic surgery might be required. Clear aligners still may be used, however careful diagnosis and treatment planning as well as thorough communication with the patients and especially discussion of the treatment expectations is very important before, during and towards finishing of treatment.

Total Pages: 78-85 (8)

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