Chapter 2

Preparation and Perspectives of Catalytic Antibodies Possessing Characteristic Ability to Inhibit Infection Against Viruses such as Influenza and Rabies

Emi Hifumi, Mitsue Arakawa and Taizo Uda


In the past two to three decades, many catalytic antibodies hydrolyzing VIP, DNA, RNA, HIVgp41, HIVgp120, Factor VIII, H. pylori urease, hemagglutinin of influenza virus, and amyloid-β have been reported. In recent years, catalytic antibodies are used in the stages of in vitro testing as well as in vivo against influenza, rabies, and AIDS viruses. These recent developments are introduced in this chapter. Currently, antibody drugs have been developed in many countries and companies throughout the world. It is said, this development is in a “frenzy of scientific competition,” which may continue for about the next ten years. Alternatively, catalytic antibodies are far superior to normal antibody drugs, since the former can recognize and catalytically degrade the antigen. A general technology for the development of catalytic antibodies is in the pipeline, and once the technology is developed, it could impact the drug industry as far as the use of catalytic antibodies is concerned. The general trends in developing the antibodies and other parameters that could influence the developmental process are discussed here. Based on these considerations and facts, we will briefly mention the perspectives and world trends in catalytic antibody research.

Total Pages: 28-57 (30)

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