Chapter 10

Exploring the Intersections of Disadvantaged Groups Protection: In Pursuit of Development

Maria Isabel Garrido Gomez


Increasingly, there is a new relationship in the borders between public and private law. Public authorities are progressively turning to private law when selling their assets and use contracting to fulfil the missions entrusted to them, providing services indirectly through licences to private companies, extrapolating to the public ones formulas which are used in private law or resorting to the forming of foundations. In short, to be able to overcome these serious problems, the objective that we have to set ourselves is to find a model of law which is able to carry out an alternative project which we are seeing today. And that can only be achieved through the discussion of human rights.

Total Pages: 195-212 (18)

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.Changing Landscapes in Urban British Churchyards.
.Changing Humanities and Smart Application of Digital Technologies.
.Human Rights Issues and Vulnerable Groups.