Chapter 2

Climate Change

Sarah Mousa, Mohamed El-Morsi and Salah El-Haggar


The earth’s temperature is determined by the incoming radiation from the sun and the outgoing infrared radiation emitted by the earth. Radiation emitted by the earth is largely dependent on the composition of the earth’s atmosphere. The accumulation of greenhouse gases, due to human activities, in the earth’s atmosphere absorbs infrared radiation emitted by the earth’s surface and keeps it in the atmosphere. With today’s rate of fossil fuel utility, compounds are released into the atmosphere, soil and seas on a daily basis, resulting in significant changes in the atmosphere. In recognition of how damage caused by fossil fuels harms an environment shared by all, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) put forth the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. Climate change is among the many reasons, which make increased research on and immediate implementation of solar powered technologies not simply a luxury, but a necessity for the future environmental wellbeing of earth. This chapter presents the problem of global warming, its reasons and efforts led by decision makers to seek various approaches to tackle the core of the problem and mitigate its severe environmental, economic and social impacts.

Total Pages: 10-16 (7)

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.The Production of Biodiesel and Related Fuel Additives.
.Solar Thermal Systems: Thermal Analysis and its Application.
.Image Processing in Renewable Energy Resources: Opportunities and Challenges.
.Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbines: Numerical and Experimental Analyses.