Chapter 5

Symptoms, Clinical Findings and Paraneoplastic Syndromes in Lung Cancer

Tulin Cağatay and Gulfer Okumus


Signs and symptoms of lung tumours depend on tumour location and size, extent of the tumour or its stage and presence or absence of metastasis. Common symptoms are Cough (especially persistent cough), Hemoptysis, Dyspnea, Wheezing, Chest pain, and, Hoarseness. Less commonly, symptoms may arise due to introthoracic tissue and organ involvement, superior vena cava syndrome, Horner’s syndrome or distance metastasis. Systemic effects like weight loss, anorexia, weakness may be seen and symptoms of paraneoplastic syndrome observed. </p><p> On physical examination, findings are due to the extent of the disease such as crackles, ronchi, and localised wheeze. If there is collapse of lung tissue or pleural effusions, dullness in precussion and decreased breath sounds will be found. Rarely, findings of paraneoplastic syndromes may dominate the picture. If there is respiratory failure its signs can be found on physical examination. The most important finding is finger clubbing.

Total Pages: 106-118 (13)

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.Alternative Remedies and Natural Products for Cancer Therapy: An Integrative Approach.
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