Chapter 1

PART 1: Biochemistry

Maddaly Ravi


Chapter 1: Introduction to Biochemistry </p><p> 1. DNA, RNA and proteins are </p><p> a. Homopolymers </p><p> b. Linear polymers </p><p> c. Monomeres </p><p> d. Heteromeres </p><p> 2. DNA is aptly known as the </p><p> a. Information provider </p><p> b. Intermediary in the genetic information flow </p><p> c. Work-horse of the cell </p><p> d. Cellular structural backbone </p><p> 3. RNA is aptly known as the </p><p> a. Information provider </p><p> b. Intermediary in the genetic information flow </p><p> c. Work horse of the cell </p><p> d. Cellular structural backbone ......

Total Pages: 3-163 (161)

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